Custom-Designed Tours: Redesign

Web page.

EF Tours was in the midst of templatizing their tour collection pages. But as we began to work on our custom-designed tours page, we realized the existing template didn’t fit the purpose. So, I worked with a designer to lead the charge on reimagining this page. I interviewed our custom tours team to learn more about their process and pain points (namely: customers were getting in their pipeline when they shouldn’t be), then used those insights to restructure and rewrite the page, centering it around four new steps of the process to determine if customization is right for you. To see the full page, click here.

Copywriter: Cassie Title
Designers: Will Crawford, Reed Dusseault, Bre Winn
ACD (copy): Heather McHugh
ACD (design): Adam Schwartz

Can a form be fun?

Adventures in UX.

Sure can! We did it by swapping our standard “fill out some info so we can get in touch” form with a fun questionnaire. The kicker: our revamped form doesn’t just prevent customers from being bored—it actually helps the custom tours team ascertain whether these leads are truly qualified.